"對所有古老文明而言,火都是神聖的!Agni,火神,於吠陀時 期是每日被祈請的。在沒有火柴盒的古代,生火,是透過持續不斷地 搓轉乾燥的樹枝同時進行祈請火神的儀式的。當火花出現時,這的確 是個奇蹟,而古代哲學家們一直問的是:在這個顯化出現前,「火」 在哪裡?當然,它一直隱藏在木頭之中並且需要特定條件來顯化它。 因此,火變成一個精神/ 靈性象徵,一個普遍卻又只在特定條件下才顯化的精神/靈性象徵。
另一個火被當作一個精神/ 靈性象徵的理由是:火只向上燃燒。試著將著火的木頭向下,火焰總是 向上移動的。同樣地,只要一個小火花便可以讓整座森林陷入火海, 而你亦可以只憑一個小火焰便能點亮上千個蠟燭而無損它原本的母火 。還有比這個更好的精神/靈性符號嗎?
當它轉變為摧毀者時,它讓一切變成灰燼,讓一切變為塵土。而愛與 慈悲的神聖之火則將所有自我中心化為灰燼。修道之人將灰燼塗抹在 自己身上,以表示他們已超脫限制。
⋯⋯並非可見之火才被稱為Agni,所有型式的燃燒都是Agni!就 算是人體內部的分解與新陳代謝的過程都被稱做是消化之火,同樣的 ,欲望之火,較高等的或較低等的,亦然!
如果你有一個愛人,你不 是會稱她為你的"舊火"嗎?沒有人說"舊水"或"舊空氣",因為 愛、欲望、靈感,所有這些都是一種火,想像力也是。火因而自古以 來為人所崇拜!
而對屬於Nath傳承的我們來說,火是通往內在的途徑。我們點燃 都尼之火且花上數小時靜坐並觀看那火焰,而火變成我們的朋友及保 護者。我們與火合一。相信我,火,正如一切的自然,擁有自我意志 ,而我們的心亦與Agni火神緊密連結,越是如此,則那火焰越是 能實現我們所擁有的任何願望!
因此,透過外在之火來認出內在之火-那屬於宇宙燃燒能量一部分的 亢達里尼的過程,會在都尼儀式中被體現!火焰向前燃燒並觸及千瓣 蓮花,而人成為神。廣闊無盡的意識現在將被連結並輕敲大門。悲傷 將消失殆盡。"
-Maheshwar Nath (Babaji)
Sri M.
(以上翻譯或有不盡之處,煩請自行參考原文!^///^ ~Naya)
“Fire has been sacred to all ancient civilizations. Agni, the God of fire was invoked every day in the vedic times.
.. In ancient times, there were no match bo⋯⋯xes. To produce fire, one went through the elaborate ritual of rubbing dry sticks together with invocations to the fire god. When the spark appeared, it was indeed a miracle. Where was this fire, before it manifested, asked the ancient thinkers. Surely, it was hidden in the wood always and needed the right conditions to manifest. So, fire became a symbol of the spirit, all pervading, yet manifesting only under certain conditions.
“Another reason fire was used as a symbol of the spirit, is that fire always burns upwards. Try holding the firewood downwards, the flames always move upwards. Also, just one spark is enough to set a whole forest on fire. You can light a thousand candles from one flame with no loss to the original mother flame. What better symbol of the spirit?
“When it turns destroyer, it burns everything to ashes, reduces everything to dust. The sacred fire of love and compassion burns all self-centredness to ashes. The ascetics apply ashes on their bodies, to show how they are free of limitations.
“It is not only the visible fire which is called Agni. All forms of combustion are Agni. Even the catabolic and anabolic processes that sustain the human body are called the digestive fires; as also, the fire of desire, higher or lower. “If you had a lover, don’t you call her your ‘old flame?’ Nobody says ‘old water’ or ‘old air.’ Because love, desire, inspiration, all these are a kind of fire. So also is imagination. Therefore, fire has been worshipped for ages.
For us, who belong to the Nath tradition, fire is part of our Self. We light the Dhuni and sit for hours looking at the flames. The fire becomes our friend and protector. Our minds merge with the flames and we are one. Believe me, fire, like all of nature, has a mind of its own, and our minds are linked intimately with Agni, the lord of fire, so much so that the flames fulfill any wish that we have.
So, the inner fire, the Kundalini, which is actually part of the universal power of combustion, identifies itself with the outer fire and manifests in the Dhuni. Flames burst forth from it and reach the thousand-petalled lotus, and man becomes God. Vast dimensions of consciousness can now be accessed and tapped. Sorrow disappears.”
- Maheshwar Nath
Sri M, Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master
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